Alex's Blog #1

 Hello, my name is Alexandra Stutman I am from South Florida and I am a junior. My major is EWM and my minor is communication. I am a transfer student and I am very excited to be here and I am super excited to learn more about this class. I am hoping to have a good successful semester as well! I don’t have too much experience using technology in an educational setting. 

I have previously been involved in teaching technology classes in high school where we used different computers in the library. We had to be certified and learned about Photoshop, ExCel And Microsoft word as well. I have also taken a basic computer class at the local library to learn about chrome and the different software that come with Macs. Besides that, I have not had too much experience with technology in an educational setting which is why I am taking this class. I am eager to learn more about technology in different settings. 

My PLN is really just starting to grow as I have recently been doing more and more to succeed in school. Something is also using my day-to-day life to meet people and connect with different companies as well as Instagram. I feel like it has grown a lot in the past few years and it has made me let me express throughout pictures who I am today. Considering I am also studying media and school social media has been something that has really brought a lot of success to my life and it is very interesting to get involved in. Twitter is also very important to me because I am part of different groups that talk about social media and different accounts that post current events which help me learn more about the media world.  I have learned so much on social media throughout the years and I’m still learning every day.
