Blog journal #9

 My experience as a distant learner this semester was very good and I do not have too much to complain about. Distance learning is very good but also at the same time can be a bit stressful. A method of study where teachers and students do not meet in classrooms sometimes could be very tough but honestly, I had a pretty positive experience. I love being in person but online is great too.

Open educational resources are freely accessible and very easy to use! Different media and other digital assets are super useful for teaching and I will definitely use them in the future. They are very helpful for research purposes as well. OER Commons is a digital library website and it is a very good educational resource that I used as well. I will definitely use this with my students in the future.

Working on a PowerPoint taught me tons of different things because I have never really used power points before. It taught me how to organize different information and even add pictures throughout slides. I was able to make my platform very clean and nice looking and it was not too hard to make at all.  Next time I think I could add a little bit more information and take my time but overall I think it was very well
