
Showing posts from September, 2021

blog 4

  I chose fourth grade from the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA. Under standards, LAFS.4.RL.3.7 learning about the subject area within English Language Arts and I found it very interesting! I learned about level two and the Basic Application of Skills & Concepts. The items assessing these standards may be used with two or more grade-appropriate literary texts which I did not know about. I thought there would be more literary text. This comes with tons of online graphing tools for kids and iMovie is used and EduBlogs! I loved learning the ELA technology standards and found them very fascinating. The Educator Toolkit under history for fourth graders holds tons of amazing resources! SS.8.A.1 has 11 different resources which I think are all very amazing and useful for all different ages. These would help my students 1 day in so many different ways because every student learns differently. There is a video resource for some visual Learners which I think will be very awesome. A

Blog Journal #3

 Copyright and fair use are both very important in today’s society and when doing assignments for school jobs and whatever else you do work for, you should always be educated about copyright and fair use. Fair use in the US is copyright law and this law pretty much allows the use of portions of copyright work without permission from the owner. I guess you could say fair use as a defense to copyright infringement. I was never really aware of this and didn’t realize how important all of this is to know until he really did my own research. Teachers should definitely explain everything so people know how to say to do these things and even cite things correctly. Copyright is a legal means that is protecting one’s work whether it is an author is someone who wrote something themself it is pretty much their work and you cannot just take it from them word for word. Kids in school need to learn the importance of copyright so they know not to take other people's words and writings. I would de

Blogo journal 2

MS Word as a student has made the process of writing papers and getting ideas down on paper much easier. Also, it is very reliable in saving documents and ideas. It is much easier to keep these ideas secure in a Word file than a folder of papers. MS Word has been very helpful for me in my experience as a student. The standard that it is most important for me in the list of Educator Standards is that they are a leader. I always respected and learned most from teachers who were great leaders, both inside and outside the classroom. Good leaders are important for the class to succeed as a whole.  I do agree with the label “digital native” for today’s youth. Children who are raised now are much more technologically advanced than their older counterparts. These digital natives are now accustomed to relying on technology for transport, education, and recreation. It is a very different time, and it is fair to label younger people “digital natives

Alex's Blog #1

 Hello, my name is Alexandra Stutman I am from South Florida and I am a junior. My major is EWM and my minor is communication. I am a transfer student and I am very excited to be here and I am super excited to learn more about this class. I am hoping to have a good successful semester as well! I don’t have too much experience using technology in an educational setting.  I have previously been involved in teaching technology classes in high school where we used different computers in the library. We had to be certified and learned about Photoshop, ExCel And Microsoft word as well. I have also taken a basic computer class at the local library to learn about chrome and the different software that come with Macs. Besides that, I have not had too much experience with technology in an educational setting which is why I am taking this class. I am eager to learn more about technology in different settings.  My PLN is really just starting to grow as I have recently been doing more and more to s