
Showing posts from October, 2021


 Teacher pages on the school website are very important and I have always really looked forward to them. I found it very interesting that some schools require teachers to maintain a set of class pages on the school website but I also find it very useful. After looking at a few school websites in class pages I would definitely have one filled with information for my kids and even parents. I would definitely fill it with my email address phone number and also weekly schedules of what we are doing in class. I am so excited to have my own class website. I am vision myself using tons of technology to accomplish my teaching goals. I would definitely want to use an iPad with all of the kids and a SmartBoard to create any charts or graphs on the board. I also think phones can be necessary for some projects but not all. There’s so much excellent software is on computers that are very useful as well! I think in today's society so many kids use the internet and know how to use technology very

Blog Journal #6

 I thought using class Diigo was very easy and not too hard to get used to! I really liked using Diigo because it was a very organized website and was very helpful.  Diigo is very user-friendly and super easy to install.  It is really easy to take notes with Diigo as well. There was nothing I would really complain about. I am very happy I started using Diigo. I really enjoyed blogging and I find it very interesting to do. When I blog I feel like I can write about anything and it’s super easy to post. Sometimes I wish that when I post more people could see it because everything I post is very useful information but there’s not much I could really complain about. Definitely will keep blogging in the future. Google doc is a very useful web 2.0 tool that I’ve used throughout my whole life and will definitely use in the future. It is very useful when checking spelling and grammar and wanting to write papers. You can also make graphs on Google documents as well which is very useful in school


 I have been using Twitter for about five years now! I love Twitter and I think it is a great way to follow up on your favorite sports players your favorite music artist and even so much more. There are also so many people posting about different hobbies and different homework assignments you can always find things to be interested in. Twitter can be very helpful further along in my career and so many different ways. Twitter can help me post-class assignments for my students and even send out different alerts to all my students! There are always fun links I could post for my other staff members as well on Twitter.  The digital divide usually refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communication technology and those that don’t have access! Some people have sufficient knowledge and access to technology and some don’t! I think all classrooms should have access to technology and always use computers but if not there are still many other