
Blog journal 10

I think data collection is very important and is a very useful tool in the teaching industry. I think I will not only use data collection and surveys to send home to my children asking them their opinion on different field trips he would like to have in the future or different class parties we can have but also send home to the parents as well. Getting other people's opinion is very important to me and sending out surveys are a very useful way of getting information. Data collection provides insight within so many resources! It also monitors the success of classes in other campus programs as well. I found it very interesting when students talked about wanting to be very organized teachers in the future and being very hands-on. That is something that is very important to me which is really connecting with other people in the future and being very hands-on but organized at the same time. I also agree with everyone that computers and technology in classrooms are just as important as a

Mood-Related Meme

  This meme relates to my mood toward the end of the semester!

Bitmoji Classroom


Learning-Related Meme

 Here is my meme!

Blog journal #9

 My experience as a distant learner this semester was very good and I do not have too much to complain about. Distance learning is very good but also at the same time can be a bit stressful. A method of study where teachers and students do not meet in classrooms sometimes could be very tough but honestly, I had a pretty positive experience. I love being in person but online is great too. Open educational resources are freely accessible and very easy to use! Different media and other digital assets are super useful for teaching and I will definitely use them in the future. They are very helpful for research purposes as well. OER Commons is a digital library website and it is a very good educational resource that I used as well. I will definitely use this with my students in the future. Working on a PowerPoint taught me tons of different things because I have never really used power points before. It taught me how to organize different information and even add

Blog #8

I learned tons of new skills from working on the Web Design assignment that is all very useful and I believe will bring me success to my career and in the future! I had a very successful experience doing this assignment it was very easy to work with and super organized to use this platform. This assignment will help me make tons of things for my career and even if I wind up being a teacher or for really any job! Diigo is a really good resource and online platform. The main goal is to help you create your own personable online knowledge library! This Website is a social bookmarking website that will let you sign up users to bookmark and tag webpages, you can also highlight any part of a webpage which is very cool too! I would definitely save important websites and have access to them on my computer and in the future, I would also be able to save a screenshot of a website and see how it changes over time which was very useful with team members and other company’s.


 Teacher pages on the school website are very important and I have always really looked forward to them. I found it very interesting that some schools require teachers to maintain a set of class pages on the school website but I also find it very useful. After looking at a few school websites in class pages I would definitely have one filled with information for my kids and even parents. I would definitely fill it with my email address phone number and also weekly schedules of what we are doing in class. I am so excited to have my own class website. I am vision myself using tons of technology to accomplish my teaching goals. I would definitely want to use an iPad with all of the kids and a SmartBoard to create any charts or graphs on the board. I also think phones can be necessary for some projects but not all. There’s so much excellent software is on computers that are very useful as well! I think in today's society so many kids use the internet and know how to use technology very